5 feb 2025

There is / There are (Some / any)

Para empezar una actividad de repaso de vocabulario:

Y unas pequeñas actividades para repasar:

1st activity:  There is / are (some / any)

2nd activity:  There is / There are (some/any)

3rd activity: There is / There are

4th activity 

¿sabes lo que significan cucumber, avocados, cherries, strawberries...? Mira aquí:

cherries: cerezas

avocados: aguacates

strawberries: fresas

cucumber: pepino

apricot: albaricoque

Ahora ya puedes hacer el siguiente juego:

5th activity: There is / there are

Y para terminar y convertirte en un supermaestro aquí tienes la última actividad y un juego del laberinto:

17 ene 2025

Countable or Uncountable


there is new actvities to learn about countable or uncountable nouns relates to food.

Let's play them.

13 ene 2025

Actividades 13 de enero

 La primera actividad es:

La segunda actividad es

Y la tercera actividad es MONSTER VOCAB

Recuerda repasar antes. Primero pulsa en Review para aprender las palabras nuevas que aparecen en el juego y si lo necesitas apúntate en el cuaderno las palabras que desconozcas

Y de regalo un KAHOOT about FOOD

Y un segundo KAHOOT about FOOD2.

8 ene 2025

Actividades 8 enero

Hi. Happy New Year to everyone.
There is a JCLIC activity called English Vocabulary. Please, let’s do next activities in order:

- Christmas
- Toys
- Food

Now you can play with toys. Let's play!! :

Now you can play matching the pictures with the words:

...and this is the last game. Enjoy!!:

13 dic 2024

Kahoot about the time


there are 2 kahoots about the clock, the time, what's the time... and there is 1 more about Daily Routines. All are ready to play.

  1. https://create.kahoot.it/details/ef94bad2-e4f5-41ed-8a59-307c89ccdb99
  2. https://create.kahoot.it/details/ec2ced87-69b0-40b7-8c14-c83cb2ce08cf
  3. https://create.kahoot.it/details/2f2b88a8-f194-4a6e-8b80-0ec7e1636c6f
The teacher will show you the pin code to play.
Let's press kahoot.it to join in. Don't forget to write your real proper name.

5 dic 2024

What time is it?


Aquí tienes algunas actividades para practicar las horas.

Here you have some games to put into practive your learnings about time (hour)

Activity 1:

Activity 2

Activity 3:

Activity 4:

 Activity 5:

Activity 6

Activity 7

Activity 8

Activity 9

Activity 10